February 12, 2025

Angelina Huskin

Eco Friendly Automotive Solutions

Practical Performance Improvements to Increase Range in an EV

Practical Performance Improvements to Increase Range in an EV


If you’re considering purchasing an electric car, you probably have one question: How far can it go? The answer depends on a lot of factors, but one of the easiest ways to increase range is to drive differently. Here are some practical steps that drivers can take during a trip in order to improve their battery life—and make driving an EV more fun and rewarding.

Practical Performance Improvements to Increase Range in an EV

Reduce the weight of the car.

The first thing to consider is how much weight you can reduce. It’s not as simple as just losing weight, but rather finding the right balance between performance and range. You want your car to go fast, but if it takes too much power from the battery pack, then there will be less energy left over for driving distance.

In order to maximize efficiency and performance while still maintaining adequate range (i.e., enough for most daily commutes), try these steps:

  • Remove unnecessary accessories like window tints or sound systems that add unnecessary weight
  • Use lightweight materials such as carbon fiber when possible

Reduce aerodynamic drag.

When it comes to improving an EV’s range, reducing aerodynamic drag is the most effective way to increase your car’s efficiency. The easiest way to do this is by decreasing the size of your car’s frontal area–the area that faces directly into incoming wind. This can be done by reducing the size of the wheels or making sure they’re properly aligned with each other so that they’re not blocking too much air flow as it flows over them.

Another way is by increasing surface area through body modifications like adding spoilers and wings (which are often used in tandem). Again, these modifications should be tested carefully before committing them to production because they may actually decrease overall efficiency due some unforeseen side effects such as increased weight from added material required for manufacture or installation; increased air resistance resulting from additional surface area exposed directly towards incoming airflow; etc…

Use regenerative braking to recharge the batteries as you slow down.

Regenerative braking is a process that uses the electric motor to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. As you apply your brakes, this electricity can be stored in the battery pack and used later to increase range.

To use regenerative braking effectively:

  • Use gentle pressure on the brake pedal while driving at low speeds (less than 20 mph). This will allow you to recharge your battery while slowing down over relatively long distances like stop lights or traffic jams. You’ll feel a slight resistance as your car slows down, but not enough to make it difficult for you to control it if necessary.
  • Use firm pressure on the brake pedal when driving at higher speeds (greater than 20 mph). This will cause greater friction between tires and road surface which means more power is being generated by decelerating motion–but also increases wear-and-tear on brake pads so only do this when necessary!

Don’t use air conditioning.

  • Don’t use air conditioning. This may seem counterintuitive, but if you want to increase your vehicle’s range, then don’t use the AC. The typical EV has a much smaller battery than an ICE vehicle and therefore can’t handle the large load imposed by running both heaters and air conditioners at once. Instead of turning up the temperature in your car as soon as you step inside on a hot day, try opening some windows or using a portable air conditioner (if available) instead.
  • Keep food cold without ice packs: If you’re going on a long trip and need to keep food cool without packing ice packs or refrigeration units at every stop along the way–and especially if those stops are far apart–consider bringing along some sort of insulated cooler bag instead of relying on ice packs alone (which will melt).

Bring along a full charge instead of being dependent on charging stations en route.

If you are going long distance, bring along a full charge. If you are going short distance, use the charging stations en route.

You can increase range in an EV by changing your driving habits

You can increase range in an EV by changing your driving habits. For example, reducing weight and aerodynamic drag will both improve efficiency.

If you use regenerative braking to recharge batteries as you slow down and don’t use air conditioning, then this will also help increase the range of your vehicle.

Bring along a full charge instead of being dependent on charging stations en route.


While it’s true that range anxiety is a real concern for most EV drivers, there are ways to address it. By making small changes in your driving habits and choosing the right car for your commute, you can significantly increase the range of your electric vehicle.